
Sunday, November 11, 2007

Amazing Tokyo Motor Show 2007

Yo! Kentimator is Back! hahaa...
Thanks for the patience and also checking out my blog again. It's always my pleasure to share more stuff with you guys. =)

2 weeks ago, I went to Tokyo Motor Show with my friends. It was really a great experience and eye-opening event. Their professional presentation on the stages were really marvellous. Plus amazing cars with gorgeous babes. It's like best combination! hahaa...
Well, I did take a lot of photos though (almost 500 over pictures). And I compiled some of my favourites into this music video below. Hope you enjoy it. =D

p/s: It may take some time to load. Go get some tea while it's loading. haha...
Or you can download it from my website and view from your own PC later:
http://www.kentimator.com/blog/ (Right-click on the movie file named "TokyoMotorShowCD.mov" and select Save-As.)

~Stay Tuned. More to share! =D

Extra Photos ~ My Favourite & Dream Car of ALL ~ LEXUS.

(*Thanks to my friend, this car is over-exposed in the picture. But also thanks to him for taking pictures for me. haha..)
Well, You can see. I only take photo with my Dream Car. I don't just simply anyhow take photo with any cars (though other cars also cool).. HAHAHAhahaa..... though my face is like "A Shit On top of a gorgeous flower." hahaaaaa.... Not that I low self-esteem, but it's fact. muahahaa... XD

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