
Monday, June 30, 2008

Pixar's WALL-E released first in the U.S., released last in Japan.

Wall E !!! It's finally released in the U.S. on last Friday!
It has confirmed that Japan will only show Wall-E on the theater on 20th December 2008.
Check the world-wide releasing date list: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0910970/releaseinfo

Yes, Japan is the latest among the long list of release all around the world!
I was like "What THE XXXX??!!!" "D** L** L** M** !!! @#*&%#*#%$*#^%@*#&@*#& "
That is freaking late !!!
*Phew!~* Sorry that I "swore" up there... That's one of the ways i release my upset and tension... hahaha...

Well, despite the stupid arrangement of the release date for japan and all around the world, lets move on and get excited about what this film is about to bring us, be it young or older generations. I've read so much articles and reviews on the web, and apparently this brilliant movie has stamped a permanent recognisable mark on the global animation white board. What do I mean by that? It means, it had great reviews (even before the official release on theaters last friday) and has been commented as the Best Pixar animated movie EVER! Damn, I really want to feel what everyone's feeling right now!!! Want to see with my own eyes how Excellent the movie is!

So far, Rotten Tomatoes (a world wide well known entertainment review site) has given Wall-E an Excellent result - 96%. Check out the reviews: http://au.rottentomatoes.com/m/wall_e/

And here's the latest Box Office result report as of yesterday (Sunday) after the 2-days release.

I have compiled some of my collections and bookmarked Youtube movie featuring Wall-E animations. Check them out. Even without knowing the story (which I bet it will be marvellous and brilliant, and I heard that it was touching.), the animation itself is believable, funny, entertaining and excellent in terms of technical.

First, here's the latest latest Wall-E trailer. (though they have many different trailers and teasers had been released months ago).
Note: The following Quicktime movie trailer may take some minutes to load due to it's large filesize.

Next, here are few compilations of short promotional animations featuring Wall-E himself.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Beautiful Music, Beautiful Movie - August Rush

It's been a long time since the last time my tears pumped up to almost full tank of my eyes during a movie. I've never thought I would have "received" so much heart-moving moments within this movie - August Rush.

From the moment I watched the trailer of this movie many months ago (yes, Japan is slow in releasing again), I told myself I had to watch this. I knew it is going to be a good story. And I'm SO GLAD that I caught this movie yesterday in the theater. Without any doubt, I love this movie. It is a beautiful story with beautiful musics.

It's about music connecting to life. It's about the world, filled with musics attached with loves. The real power of music could touch our hearts, heal our hearts, and what's more, it could heal our souls.... deep deep inside us.....

The orchestrated music in the movie was really marvellous. Simply Beautiful! I can't replace any other words other than just Beautiful. Especially the ending.

I was so touched throughout the whole movie. Like I said, it's been a long time since the last time I couldn't hold my tears. Yes , again, it was beautiful. Great movie! Touching movie! Beautiful Movie! Must watch! (if you haven't already of course.) Highly recommended.

Immediately after the movie, I bought the original album of the soundtracks of this movie from the theater gift shop. I couldn't help it. I crave for good musics! I live with good musics! Music is part of my life. Music gives me inspirations of my life, teaches me about life, softens my heart to know the world better, to know the people better. Music is a Wonderful thing~....
I can't imagine my life without music.

Below is the list of musics which I specially ready for you.
Please listen with your heart~ (- -)

Disclaimer: The following MP3s are converted from original CDs and the MP3s are not for sale nor intentionally violating any copyrights laws. The following MP3s are uploaded to personal website just for blog-user's online listening pleasure ONLY. Please purchase the original Soundtrack CD if you like the musics below.

01 Main Title
02 Bach _ Break
03 Moondance
04 This Time
05 Bari Improv
06 Ritual Dance
07 Raise It Up
08 Dueling Guitars
09 Elgar _ Something Inside
10 August's Rhapsody
11 Someday
12 King Of The Earth
13 God Bless The Child
14 La Bamba
15 Moondance (Album Version)
16 Washington Square
17 Arpeggio Theme
18 Basketball To Organ Loft

~Music is Everywhere. You just need to listen.~

Sunday, June 22, 2008

高尾のホタル(Fireflies at Takao)

Last night I went to Takao area with a bunch of new friends for the "search & view" of the fireflies. It was my first experience to see fireflies in real life. hahaa.. And the smooth floating green light twinkling up in the trees and around the bushes and plants was really amazing! It was like magical lights hanging in the air..haha..

However, may be the timing we chose wasn't completely right, so we only managed to see few at a time, though I was highly expecting to see a whole big bunch of beautiful greenish dotted stars hanging up in the air like what we usually see in the movies.. hahaa...

Well, it wasn't a total loss though, I still managed to make new friends among them , and despite my broken japanese communication skills, we went to karaoke after the fireflies session and really had a good time singing and laughing all the way. Surprisingly, they had really good voices. I also sang some chinese songs and surprised them... though they had no idea what the songs are about.. muahahaha....

Due to the reason we sang until 2am, we missed the last train, and therefore we moved on to a bar and sit down chit chat and had some drinks... until 4.25am, where the first train starts running. hahaha.... wow.. yeah, tired, but fun. Yeah, bad for health, but well, once in a while, i guess should be ok... hahaha... really not much chance to make new friends like this. hhaa... =D

Special thanks to a friend of mine, ベイベイ who invited me for this outing, and thanks to her, I made some new cool friends. ありがとうね!ベイベイ~ =)


Saturday, June 21, 2008

ファミ通Press Start 2008 - Game Symphonyに行きたい方を大募集!


去年のも行きました。メチャ楽しかったよ!音楽が素晴らしかったし、僕の大好きの作曲家の植松信夫さんもいったし! だから、今年も行かなきゃ!(笑)


じゃ~メールよろしくね! 待ってますよ! (^o^)V

情報リンク: http://fami-web.jp/pressstart/about.html

日本人にのノート: 日本語はまだ下手だから、もし以上の内容は変な言葉があったら、ごめんね!あはは~

I'm "recruiting" here any old or new friends here to join me this coming September's Game Symphony Concert in Shibuya, Tokyo (14th Sept 2008, Sunday), organised by Famitsu PRESS START.
I went to the last year one and it was really a great and splendid experience! And I'm so excited about the coming one! The heat of loving game musics is burning hot in my heart now! hahaha..

Anyone who is interested and passionate about games and game musics, please don't hesitate to drop me an email or message on this comment box in my blog to let me know. If you are in Tokyo, we can meet up and join the force! If you are from other countries who don't even know me but bump into my blog by accident or by search from google, no worries, come and join too! hahahaa.... This is the best time to make new friends and share our wonderful interests and passions! hahaa...

So! Let me know ASAP ok! I'm waiting! But won't wait too long since the Ticket booking day has started now. Well, hear from you guys! To Gamers !!!! Woohoo~!!!

Let the Power of Music Begins!!!

-Crazy Kento-

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Metal Gear Solid 4 Soundtracks

Though I could not afford a PS3 to play Metal Gear Solid 4 (MGS4) now, I still can enjoy the imagination by listening to the game soundtracks. hahaa... Just bought this yesterday.

And I'm going to share this 2-discs musics with you all (especially those who are game music lovers or MGS gamers) on my blog here. I've converted from my discs and uploaded to the links below. Hope you guys enjoy the music as much as I do. =)

Disclaimer: The following MP3s are converted from original CDs and the MP3s are not for sale nor intentionally violating any copyrights laws. The following MP3s are uploaded to personal website just for blog-user's online listening pleasure ONLY. Please purchase the original Soundtrack CD if you like the musics below.

Metal Gear Solid 4 Soundtrack List
Disc 01

01 Old Snake
02 Love Theme
03 Gekko
04 Haven Troopers
05 BB Corps
06 Dorebin 893
07 Vista mansion
08 Laughing Octopus
09 Breakthrough
10 Endless Pain
11 White Blood
12 Call Me Hal
13 Midnight Shadow
14 Paradise Lost
15 Great Escape
16 Desperate Chase
17 Raging Raven
18 Confrontation
19 Mobs Alive
20 Violent Ceasefire

Disc 02

01 Next Gen Control
02 Crying Wolf
03 One More Reboot
04 Sin
05 Atonement
06 Infinite Loop
07 Everything Ends
08 At Dawn
09 Screaming Mantis
10 Guns of the Patriots
11 No Place to Hide
12 Sorrow
13 Full Circle
14 Everything Begins
15 Father & Son
16 Metal Gear Saga
17 Here's to You
18 War Zone
19 A Rebellion Rests
2o The Hunter
21 The Hunted
22 Forced Hand
23 Under Curfew
24 Unmanned Army
25 Cold Memories
26 For Liberty
27 Surrounded


Thursday, June 12, 2008

iPhone 3G Launching In Japan 11th July

Watched the news 2 days ago on TV and realised iPhone 3G is born and it is going to be sold in Japan as well with another 20 over countries simultaneously. And I guess one of the good news is that the price is considerably cheap. USD199 (approx 20,000 yen)
It is really tempting but I know I cant afford any of that so soon. Besides I'm also still struggling whether I should get Wii or PSP or PS3 or iPhone now. hahaaaaa.... I definitely cant afford all of them at the same time coz I will go bankcrupt. Hmmm... tough choice... =P

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pixar's Wall-E (Newest Extended Clip)

Soooo Cute! I love the animation, I love the reactions, I love the plot(of this scene), I love the gag! Though it is just a robot thingy, but so much obvious expressions and characteristics you can see from the animation itself. Great job again Pixar! You never let us down! And THanks to all the Pro Animators who worked on this excellent-to-be movie. You guys are the greatest! Bringing life to a dead robot is really the noble task! 3 Cheers!!! =)

Monday, June 09, 2008

Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3) Releasing 12th June in Japan.

I want to get PS3!!! But I also like so many Wii games! And I also want to play other cool games like FF Crisis Core and Monster Hunter on PSP! And I have Nintendo DS and PS2. BUT I DON'T want to play Xbox360. hahahaa....

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Big Buck Bunny

It is finally released online and DVD since last week 30th May.
A brand new production after the first animation Elephants Dream (http://www.elephantsdream.org/) which done with total open source software - Blender in Linux environtment.

It is quite impressive to have such outstanding result of the quality. Honestly I rather enjoy this 2nd short than the first one (Elephants Dream) which didnt appeal much to me, personally. hahaa...
This new animated short (Big Buck Bunny) may not be the best short that I've seen so far, but I like it very much and most importantly it is quite entertaining. Plus, the animation is good and believable. Secondly, character designs are well done too. Generally I enjoyed it.

Big Buck Bunny is available now in DVD or free download online from their website (http://www.bigbuckbunny.org/index.php/download/) or could be seen on Youtube as usual. Below is the embedded link I link it to my blog here for easy to view.
For those who are interested or want to support their product by buying their DVDs (come with tutorials and sources that they used for the current project), please kindly go to their official website and also check out their history and production details. It is really inspiring. Especially to see how much effort and passion they put into the last 6 months. And of course the free open source software helps a bunch in their production too.

I myself probably will order a copy of their DVD to support what they have done and salute their creativity and passion.

I have just downloaded the software Blender and going to explore it soon, and hope it will get fun. If you are interested too, you may download from here. http://www.blender.org/
Have fun you guys!

And at the meanwhile, lets enjoy what they have done this time. =)
