
Sunday, April 08, 2007

Malaysian Animation (Saladin) Is A Great Start

When I see this piece of trailer again, I feel proud of my own people. Finally the M'sian government has seen the potential and push the limits of our own people in the Animation Industry. I'm really happy to see the big changes in the CG line for the past few years. This is truly our Malaysian Pride! Yoz!!! Go Go Malaysia!!!
Woohooohoho... Impression-nizing, is what Malaysian Tig-ger DOoo BEST !!!! Woohoohoohoohoo...



there is all waya two sides to every story ,perhaps you should also tell how the islamic empire enslaved country after country in their days of power and killed millions just like evey other conquering empire that has walked the face of the earth.History is just that history and if we continue to live in the past and what has transgressed there then nothing but hate can come of it.You seem like an intelligent person but to whatever god you pray to I'm sure he wants you to bring the world an essence of equlity to fulfill his words of peace and love that all can share in.pride in your own identity no longer matters in the scope of global trivialities,you must step forward and show all around you that real courage comes from within your heart and not thru bravadoed reterict.but I did like your animation anyway .contact me at THE SPIRALED CORTEX blog and please reply about how you feel for real,have a nice day and enjoy your life for it is very short and should be limitless to all ossibilities,thank you and goodnight!!!


sorry it was late and i forgot to check my spelling on he last post ....

Kent Wong (Kentimator) said...

hey bluestar, first of all, thanks for dropping by my blog. ^_^
Well, you r very right about "there are 2 different sides of one story".
First thing which i need to emphasize here is that, my blog is not about commenting other people religion or beliefs.
My blog is about sharing my own humble diary and CG/Animation-related events.
Well, actually I'm totally agree with you that we should not live in the past, and at the same time we should look forward a peaceful world. When I post this animation trailer about past muslims warrior, I didn't have the intention to share the so-called glorious history, but just want to share the fact that modern malaysians now are starting to get improving in CG/Animation industry.
About the story they were telling, it doesn't really matter to me. Because like you said, it was in the past. I'm just seeing this animation movie as an entertainment of an edited story-telling. Every country tried to tell story about their own heroes, their own glorious moment, but as the audience of the modern time, we may not believe their history totally, because we never know who did what to whom. Whoever is good/bad, those are in the past. And again, we shouldn't see it so seriously, but instead paying more attention to current world, and try to stay calm and make peace, despite of what our great great great grandfathers had done in the history. We should tell the modern world now that, no matter how the history was re-told, we shouldn't be influenced so much but live a good life with everyone around us, and come together as one big family of Earthians (which is us, human beings). hahaa... So, don't worry so much, and stay cheers! Like you said, life is short, why take so much time to dig out the history and make it re-happening? Why dont' just start a happy life and see things in more postive perspective? Isn't that better? ^_^
Btw, I'm Malaysian chinese, and now working Japan. I didn't involve in this piece of animation though. I'm just putting up this trailer to share with my friends and support my own country's animation work. That's all and simple. Hope you feel better now. Cheers! ^_^

Anonymous said...

The victor writes the history. The only thing humans learn from history is that humans tend to repeat history if they don't learn lessons from history. But history by nature is already a distorted perspective of events in the past. The victor controls the perspective. The loser tends to have his story untold. So just eat more animation pills and forget about all the crabs and prawns of the past which give food poisoning and drink more water to replace fluids lost through diarrhoea.

Kent Wong (Kentimator) said...

you are right! mylittlepony! Lets forget about their so-called history and enjoy the animation for entertainment instead! People feel better, things get better, world turns better. Woohhoohoo... ^0^