
Monday, June 30, 2008

Pixar's WALL-E released first in the U.S., released last in Japan.

Wall E !!! It's finally released in the U.S. on last Friday!
It has confirmed that Japan will only show Wall-E on the theater on 20th December 2008.
Check the world-wide releasing date list: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0910970/releaseinfo

Yes, Japan is the latest among the long list of release all around the world!
I was like "What THE XXXX??!!!" "D** L** L** M** !!! @#*&%#*#%$*#^%@*#&@*#& "
That is freaking late !!!
*Phew!~* Sorry that I "swore" up there... That's one of the ways i release my upset and tension... hahaha...

Well, despite the stupid arrangement of the release date for japan and all around the world, lets move on and get excited about what this film is about to bring us, be it young or older generations. I've read so much articles and reviews on the web, and apparently this brilliant movie has stamped a permanent recognisable mark on the global animation white board. What do I mean by that? It means, it had great reviews (even before the official release on theaters last friday) and has been commented as the Best Pixar animated movie EVER! Damn, I really want to feel what everyone's feeling right now!!! Want to see with my own eyes how Excellent the movie is!

So far, Rotten Tomatoes (a world wide well known entertainment review site) has given Wall-E an Excellent result - 96%. Check out the reviews: http://au.rottentomatoes.com/m/wall_e/

And here's the latest Box Office result report as of yesterday (Sunday) after the 2-days release.

I have compiled some of my collections and bookmarked Youtube movie featuring Wall-E animations. Check them out. Even without knowing the story (which I bet it will be marvellous and brilliant, and I heard that it was touching.), the animation itself is believable, funny, entertaining and excellent in terms of technical.

First, here's the latest latest Wall-E trailer. (though they have many different trailers and teasers had been released months ago).
Note: The following Quicktime movie trailer may take some minutes to load due to it's large filesize.

Next, here are few compilations of short promotional animations featuring Wall-E himself.



fufu said...

hey it is kawaii!!! thanks for the videos!!!
anyway you have money one... it`s all depend on your decision! you are doing master right? i was an undergraduate and i could make it...since master get more from monbukagakusho... i cant see you have any excuse... =)

Kent Wong (Kentimator) said...

Hi Ching Fu, thanks for dropping by my blog! It's really envy to see you travel so many places around the world. Me not doing master or anything, I'm working now in Tokyo city, as animator. And this job is not as high pay as a lot of ppl expected. haha..
Anyway, i will most likely travel to Taiwan or Korea early next year. Will start to save money now. haha..